This was the first lesson in my most recent management training, done under the umbrella of the Gustav Kaser Training International (GKTI): ask yourself every morning why are you enjoying yourself (WAIEM).
It might sound like a dumb question, but... think a little bit: if you had at least one reason to be happy that day, wouldn't you feel better? It could be anything: your baby saying the first word, winning the lottery, one award that one of your employees received, or just because it's a late summer day, with some bright warm sun in the sky.
And... if you can't find a reason to enjoy yourself... just make up one! Think about the challenges of that day, and how you plan to attack them, and the results you expect - you might already feel better just because of that!
So... WAIEM every day, every morning, and during the day. Be happy and smile - and the people around you will also feel the joy. Why? Because happy people are contagious (well, when they are not stepping on your nerves :)).
It might sound like a dumb question, but... think a little bit: if you had at least one reason to be happy that day, wouldn't you feel better? It could be anything: your baby saying the first word, winning the lottery, one award that one of your employees received, or just because it's a late summer day, with some bright warm sun in the sky.
And... if you can't find a reason to enjoy yourself... just make up one! Think about the challenges of that day, and how you plan to attack them, and the results you expect - you might already feel better just because of that!

My suggestion to you: try this for a week, put this on a paper in the morning, and keep the list open during the day - keep adding to it, repeat the reasons, and tell me how it feels!
If you don't like the feeling - blame it on me :)
There is no duty we so much underrate as the duty of being happy.
- Robert Luis Stevenson