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[Belonging] I don't belong here - or do I?

Belonging in the Workplace: Fostering a Culture Where Everyone Feels at Home In today’s fast-paced work environments, it’s easy to get caught up in deadlines, projects, and KPIs. But what truly motivates people to bring their best selves to work? More than the numbers or even recognition, it's the feeling of belonging. This deep-seated emotional need is foundational to human behavior, as noted by psychologist Alfred Adler, who believed that all humans are driven by a desire to belong and contribute to the group. Creating a sense of belonging in the workplace isn’t just a "nice-to-have" — it’s essential for the emotional well-being of employees and, in turn, the success of the organization. Employees who feel they belong are more engaged, more productive, and more likely to stay long-term. But how can managers cultivate this powerful feeling? Let’s dive into how managers can help foster a workplace culture where everyone feels they belong. Why Belonging Matters A
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